Generate mobile-friendly passwords with

Developer cxam recently updated to generate passwords that are mobile keyboard friendly. Due to limited space, mobile keyboards have several levels of characters. the first level keyboard contains the alphabet and a few punctuation characters the second level keyboard contains numbers and frequently-used punctuation the third level keyboard contains infrequently-used punctuation Both iOS and …

Comparing Bank Password Requirements

The recent Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability prompted another healthy round of resetting my passwords all over the web. I already have a good understanding and high regard for password security thanks to Steve Gibson‘s Security Now podcast and Password Haystacks service. This time around, I have noticed more sites are permitting longer passwords, which is great. …

Verified by Visa and function like a man-in-the middle attack

If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that the Verified by Visa service offered by was a man-in-the-middle attack that was poorly designed to look like a trusted service from Visa (my credit card) and USAA (my bank). Why your instinct should be to not trust Here’s a few reasons why …