Bryan James and the upcoming Sons of Ben: The Movie

An Elon University fraternity brother of mine — Bryan James — will soon be featured in a documentary film called “Sons of Ben: The Movie.” Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, James basically started a fan club to attract a major league soccer franchise to the city. The club started with eight guys, then 60, then 500, …

Fraternity is the center of my social network

In 1991 I joined Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity at Elon College (now Elon Univeristy). I then moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, and worked for Lambda Chi Alpha Headquarters — twice, for a total of 10 years. One of the social networks I use is LinkedIn. I have 500+ connections. Using the LinkedIn Maps feature from, …

New Elon Fraternity Houses

This fall, Elon University will be adding five more fraternity houses to its Greek court. Like the last batch, my dad Irv Pearce is the architect. Dad is an honorary initiated member of the Lambda Chi Alpha (Delta-Pi) chapter, which will be moving into one of these houses. This weekend, he gave me an inside …

Finberg’s Commencement Speech

Yesterday I attended Elon’s graduation to see my college roommate Doug Finberg deliver the commencement speech. Here are a few highlights from the day. Doug’s Speech If you want to hear Doug’s introduction and speech, here you go. [audio:] Phillips, Pearce, Thomas, & Finberg Pictured are roommate Brad Phillips, me, fraternal big brother Lee Thomas, …