Yesterday we spent the day at the track to watch qualifications. It was a fun day. We had suite tickets, passes to the pits, and passes to the garage. Here’s a Microsoft Photosynth of our seats from the suite: And here are some of the pictures we took from the pit and garage:
Category Archives: Personal
Pumpkin Train plus Kitten
This weekend is our second anniversary. For two weeks my wife has been pleading for us to adopt one of a coworker’s kittens. Coordinating with the coworker we surprised Jenny today. I picked an activity located about half way: the Pumpkin Train. We took a 30 minute train ride to a pumpkin patch, picked out …
Copyright infringement on forum posts
Yesterday I was searching the web in an effort to find a solution to a technical issue I’m attempting to resolve. Among the results was a link to a new site I hadn’t checked out before. As I started reading the site, I realized I was reading my words; words that I had posted on …
Volleyball at age 39
Granted, it’s been since early summer that I’ve played volleyball (hamstring injury), but I sure am sore today after having played only three games last night. I had to stretch to put on my socks and I’m using the elevators at work (instead of taking the stairs for just three floors). I turned 39 this …
Now featuring snot-free floors, for one night only
On Friday night, my wife and I bought a steam cleaner to combat a year of “snot shrapnel” our sneezer-of-a-cat Emma has added to our home. I spent two days cleaning just about everything that was made of fiber (carpet, furniture, pillows, etc) and finally feel like I can walk barefoot in my own home …
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