says I can go back for seconds

My appetite made the news. On the front cover, beneath the fold, section E, in the “Just 1 Minute” sidebar, of the Indianapolis Star, you’ll find a few words about my “No Repeat Lunch Week” campaign. Reporter Shari Rudavsky from the Star called me earlier this week. We conducted the interview over the phone and …

Exactly who is the PHP expert here?

Yesterday, I was reading an article called “Easy-peasy PHP” on Digital Web Magazine’s website. As I was busy learning how I could become a better programmer, I realized something I wrote was being cited as a reference: “Later on we might want to use PHP to make the list highlight the current page, perhaps using …

North Carolina Snow Storm

Looks like Raleigh, NC (home) got hit by a surprise snow storm. My favorite quote from this news story is this one: “In Raleigh, a mere inch of snow was all it took to cripple North Carolina’s capital…” So true. Heck, I remember they used to cancel school and the prediction of snow.