PowerShell Set-ADAccountPassword -WhatIf bug

Today (2017 March) I unfortunately learned of the -WhatIf bug for the PowerShell Active Directory cmdlet Set-ADAccountPassword. About -WhatIf “-WhatIf” is a common PowerShell System State parameter that is supposed to “Explain what will happen if the command is executed, without actually executing the command.(Boolean ) -whatif:$false or -whatif:$true.” I use it all of the …

British Airways says my randomly-generated password is invalid

I attempted to create an account on britishairways.com today, but repeatedly failed, receiving the message “Error: The password you have supplied is invalid. Passwords need to be at least 6 characters in length and use a mix of letters (English A-Z) and numbers.” I tried the following passed.pw randomly generated passwords: awseecfejunknyZVWCNQPAVZUTE57264 nxmsgnkgqSYHXDPRJRRGGKKTHCE52872 edmzuszfecUVWSFHVCBHVBAV84822792 vdntgfssatdHMRPZNMWVPTVCBZA32444 …

Use PowerShell to log logon and logoff activity on domain computers

There are many ways to log user activity on a domain. One of the ways that I prefer is to write user logon and logoff activity to plain text files on a network share. I used to do this via a .bat file, but recently rewrote the process using PowerShell. Create a Shared Folder for …