My grandmother Sarah Alexander enjoyed genealogy. Of her ancestors, she most enjoyed researching the Booe surname (mostly from North Carolina).
She created two large scrapbooks containing her research, one in a red binding and the other in a blue binding. There are also three Booe Books on 8.5 x 11 that appear to be photocopied portions of binders red and blue.
Booe Book Red Binding
Booe Book Blue Binding
You are welcome to freely reference either book. I’d like to transcribe their contents one day.
Jason…….one more message. As I was getting ready to close this sight, I noticed your link for your grandmother and went to this Booe page. She DID love the Booe family so much. She loved her mother so much.
In fact, after my mother died last year, January 3 2015, I was talking to your grandmother and told her how I missed my mother and think of her everyday. She surprisingly told me, “Etta. It has been many years since my mother passed away but there is not a day that I don’t think of my mother.”
Sounds astounding but it really is true………God bless. Etta Reid