Photo book of our Egypt vacation in Dec 2010

My family and I spent two weeks in Egypt in December 2010. Most of the time was spent along the Nile river around Luxor, but we did spend several days in Cairo. I recently made a photo book featuring some of the highlights from our trip. This 76-page book should give you a good indication …

Using BgInfo with VMware View

BgInfo is a free tool from Microsoft that automatically generates desktop backgrounds that include important information about the system like its IP addresses, host name, boot time, and so on. This article explains how I am using BgInfo in a virtual desktop environment (VDI) and how it helps our hospital’s help desk support end users. …

Egypt Vacation Summary

In December 2010, the Pearce family (Irv, Ann, Cameron, Jason, and Jenny) went to Egypt for a two week vacation. Here’s a brief summary of our trip with links to many photos. Tue, Dec 14 We arrive in Cairo around dinner and get to enjoy the city’s crazy rush-our traffic as we travel from the …