I’ve received good feedback on my CSS/PHP article, which was published by A List Apart last Friday. Though some are critical of the PHP code I used, many have liked the article and offered ideas to expand upon it. Thank you all for the great comments. Do keep them coming — yes, even the critical …
Category Archives: Web Development
Keeping Navigation Current With PHP: A List Apart
It gives me great pleasure to report that A List Apart accepted and published an article of mine. For the next week, my article appears on the front page of their site. A List Apart Magazine (ISSN: 1534-0295) explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on techniques and benefits …
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Why tables for layout is stupid
I was seeking an answer to a CSS problem today and came across this great site that explains why CSS is so much better than TABLEs. Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered Tables existed in HTML for one reason: To display tabular data. But then border=”0″ made it possible for designers …
Sliding Doors of CSS
A List Apart Magazine is back with a new design and some great articles. One absolutely amazing article on using CSS to layer background images, Sliding Doors of CSS will soon make its way into my code and future Web site designs. I really can’t wait to take advantage of the ideas presented in this …
ALA article ideas
I contacted A List Apart last week regarding a few ideas I had for upcoming articles. ALA is a great website that offers tips on improving Web design and layout. I’ve learned a lot from the site and thought it might be time to contribute. I sent an e-mail or two off to its editors. …