Microsoft uninstalls its Windows Installer Cleanup utility (MSICUU2.exe)

On Friday, June 25, 2010, I pleasantly used this handy tool to fully uninstall a failed Adobe Reader 9.3.2 installation. To my surprise and great disappointment, the Windows Installer Cleanup utility (MSICUU2.exe) was discontinued over the weekend and is no longer available.

“Notice: This article previously contained a link to the Windows Installer Cleanup utility (MSICUU2.exe). If you were directed to this article to solve a problem installing a product other than Microsoft Office, please contact your software manufacturer for installation support on the product.”

Naturally, many third-party software manufacturers relied on the Windows Installer Cleanup utility to clean up their own mess. I sure wish I retained a copy of MSICUU2.exe, for it would come in handy today and likely many more times in the future.

3 replies on “Microsoft uninstalls its Windows Installer Cleanup utility (MSICUU2.exe)”

  1. I went to your article, and downloaded msicuu2. I used it and it worked. Thank you so much.

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