My conference in Chicago this weekend went well. Called CFEA, the College Fraternity Editors Association is really for editors of fraternal publications. I used to be editor of Lambda Chi Alpha’s publication the Cross and Crescent, but now focus solely on web content. Regardless, I wanted to go and had a great time.
In addition to having a great time, I added a few more things to my plate. I’m going to chair CFEA’s Information Technology Committee this year, which means I’m in charge of, a site I designed nearly three years ago. I was also re-elected to the board. I’ve always enjoyed this organization, so serving a fourth year on the board will be a pleasure.
My brother was also in Chicago this weekend, but we were unable to connect. Between his crazy schedule on set for a Nicholas Cage movie and my conference schedule, it just wasn’t likely that we’d have the time. Plus, my brother kept calling my old cell phone number; so I didn’t get his messages until I returned to Indianapolis.