Yesterday, I took and passed a test that now makes me CIW certified.
CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster) is an Internet vendor-neutral certification that is designed to help experienced professionals build on existing IT skills. For me, well, I hope it will increase my chances of obtaining a good web development job.
The first step toward CIW certification is the CIW Foundations series, which is what I took Friday, earning a CIW Associate certification. Now that I have achieved CIW Associate status, I can now choose from four Master CIW certification tracks, which are Designer, Enterprise Developer, Administrator, and Web Site Manager.
Description of CIW Associate Certification
The CIW Associate has the basic hands-on skills and knowledge that an Internet professional is expected to understand and use. Foundations skills include basic knowledge of Internet technologies, network infrastructure, and Web authoring using HTML.
To pass the test, I had to answer 75 percent of the 60 questions correctly. The weird thing is that I received one question twice (only the names of the people in the example had changed) and found two other questions that contradicted themselves.
Otherwise, all went well.
I am still in the midst of a job search. USA Swimming in Colorado was considering me for a webmaster position, but is now looking at local candidates only. In New York City, I have conducted a phone interview for a webmaster position for the Down Syndrome Association, which seems promising.
I’ll keep you posted. Oh, and if you hear of anyone needing a web developer, I would appreciate you putting in a good word for me.