I rode a Segway in Times Square

Photo of a SegwayI can’t believe I forgot to post this. Last weekend, while in NYC visiting Guyana Peace Corps friends, I had a chance to ride a Segway!

If you don’t know what a Segway is, it’s basically a two-wheel scooter that carries one person. Lean forward and it advances. Lean back and it reverses. To stop, stand up straight with knees bent slightly. Invented by Dean Kamen, it took well over a decade to develop.

The opportunity to ride one of these $5,000 marvels occurred on our way home from “Moving Out“. We were walking through Time Square and saw a few folks riding them right in the median. I stopped and gawked, and a guy came up to me and asked, “So, you want to ride it?” Five bucks later, I was zipping around a crowd of people. It was so cool.